What would have happened had Britain not entered the First World War but stood aside as a neutral non-belligerent? What might the result have been had Britain concluded a separate peace with Nazi Germany in 1940 or 1941? How would the British have behaved had they lost the Battle of Britain and been conquered and occupied by the armed forces of Hitler’s Third Reich? ‘Altered Pasts’ is a discussion of the historical and cultural significance of imagining the road not taken.
(ISBN 978-1-611680537-4 hardback;
ISBN 9-781611-685381 paperback;
ISBN 978-1-61180539-8 ebook:
Brandeis University Press, February 2014, pp. xx + 150);
German edition Veränderte Vergangenheiten.
Über kontrafaktisches Erzählen in der Geschichte Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Munich, 2014.
Translated by Richard Barth. 220pp.
ISBN 978-3-421-04650-5.
Chinese edition, February 2916, CITIC Publishing Group, ISBN 978-7-5086-5674-8.
Chinese edition, ChinaCitic Press, 2016, ISBN 978-7-5086-5764-8).
Hebrew edition in preparation.